Story Of The Brave

The Benchmark Of Bravery

Imagine our galaxy folding in on itself, East and West on a head-on collision course towards each other, North and South furrowing into a vermillion hole where we are picometre atomic structures in relation to our environment while however immersing ourselves in enough bravery to dine with Celestial Beings and drink from the pool of infinite intelligence with Mystics. Where the ball of fire and gases that we centred our wake and rest upon dissipates and life ceases to be measured in twenty-fours or three sixty fives, where all things are appraised against The Benchmark of Bravery and theology indoctrinates achieving the divinity of WeNough; a state of being fully immersed in bravery.

Now, that is fiction but let’s imagine an actionable story for your businesses or projects together.

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ntoms NTOMS A fleet logistics platform designed for taxi, bus, truck and shuttle operators and associations. Fully suited and purpose built for the specific business case. Demo
data systems Data Systems Custom built data management systems for your specific industry and use cases, ranging from administrative work flows to product management.
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App Services Design, build and maintain Android and iOS apps including backend infrastructure. Fully managed. Learn More
managed services Managed Services Moving your business to the cloud or outsourcing some of your IT department workloads including hosting, data storage and network security. Learn More
location 16 Porges Street
Randfontein, Gauteng
South Africa